Beeldenpark de Havixhorst

2019 Power Women


Eja Siepman van den Berg seeks for a clarity in form, omitting the mere decorative and superfluos.What remains, is sculpture devoid of 'meaning' in the traditional sense of the word. Her sculpture is free of anecdotes and personal histories, and cautiously refrains from the highly-individual. Instead, her torso's and head- and armless figures convey a universal an timeless beauty. Beauty in standstill: a well-considered and reasoned "figurative abstraction".


Charlotte Dorothée, Baroness van Pallandt, was one of the first female sculptors in the Netherlands who devoted her time entirely to sculpture. Trained in pre-war Paris, she was determined to go her own way. She never went as far as full abstraction in her work, since nature always remained her source of inspiration. Malfray was a great example to her, alongside sculptors Charles Despiau and Aristide Maillol.

Maja van Hall has developed for the content of her work  a vocabulary of her own, which she feeds with her own experience of life. She uses the expressive potential of stone, clay, bronze and sometimes wood to give form to her own state of mind. Slowly but surely, she is gaining more and more freedom for herself and for her  sculptures.

Charlotte, Maja en Eja